
Thursday 25 October 2018


Thinking of a writing prompt can sometimes be too time consuming and can become an obstacle for the flow of your creativity. It's better to have few prompts in front of your sight whenever you feel their need.

  • Write about a person who grows a new finger every time he/she acts cruelly to someone.
  • List the names of your relatives and write a profile of each.
  • For the past month, your character has received a number of disturbing and detailed drawings in their mailbox. After chalking it up to immature kid stunts, they try to forget about it. But when the drawings come to life in brutal, horrific ways, they’re the only person who knows of the drawings and therefore, knows what one will come next.
  • A drunk man sits next to you in a bar, thinks you're his buddy and starts confessing "the truth". Write about what "the truth" is.
  • This character has always had the ability to change how they looked, and so they hid their true appearance behind attractive facades. Now, their abilities aren’t working, exposing what they truly look like.
  • In 300 words, fictionalize an event that happened to one of your parents, siblings or relatives.
  • Write about the idea of self-care and what it means to you.
  • Write about how to love someone else in a way they need.
  • Write a letter to a teacher who gave you a hard time in grade school or high school.· 

  •    Write about a time when you were wrong and didn’t realize it for maybe years.Where do you go when you want to get away from the pressures of life, family, work, etc? Write about that place.

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Friday 17 August 2018

Happiness Vs Pleasure

Happiness vs Pleasure

 Do you know what is that feeling?

My Opinion

The core need and want of every human being is happiness, but as i have observed around me, everyone does not know what happiness means to them. Most people confuse happiness with pleasure. They expect it from the outside world. Sure you can find pleasures from the world but happiness, that's a different story.

Almost everywhere we hear people saying that getting 'that job' or visiting 'that place' will make them happy and we store something we hear directly in our subconscious mind if we it as a truth.
Often to get rid of a particular problem or situation in our lives we accept those pleasures which soon turn into pain. Think about your choices. Have you ever done this?

The most important thing to do is make your body your friend by knowing and understanding it more. Ask yourself when do you feel happy the most?
Remember, your five senses create pleasure from outward experiences but your mind (thoughts) and heart create happiness.

Situations can influence of your mood but your inner happiness is not dependent on them! In fact the state of inner fulfillment and well being helps you to deal better with those circumstances.
Your mood can change any minute and there are many influence of it. If you will think that your happiness depends on physical pleasure, it will be unstable.

Ultimate happiness is stable and persistent! No matter what ups or downs you face in your life or how many mood fluctuations you have.

Related links

Many people have already tried to enlighten everyone on the meanings of happiness and pleasure.
Dr. Lustig, author of "The Hacking of the American Mind: The science behind the corporate takeover of our bodies and brains" states, "If you've been told that pleasure is happiness, then you are in [big trouble]".

Dr. Robert Lustig, pediatric endocrinologist, would define it this way: "Pleasure is short-lived, visceral, usually experienced by oneself, achievable with substances. Happiness, by contrast, is often the opposite-- long-lived, ethereal (purposeful, transcendent), often experienced in meaningful social groups and cannot be achieved through substances. Pleasure is taking, while happiness is giving."

Friday 6 July 2018

What Does It Mean To Have A Perspective On Life? A Brief Introduction


Now, if you don't know what i am talking about. Here is a brief introduction-
Your Perspective is the way you see something. It's your viewpoint or outlook on a situation.

Have you ever heard someone say, " Gain Some Perspective " and wondered what that meant ? It means that you need to gain objectivity or look at the situation from an unbiased standpoint.

There are many factors that influence your perspective on life.


Perspective plays a big role in how your life goes.
Your perspective determines your outcome - WHAT YOU THINK YOU ATTRACT.

For example, If you look at the problems in your life like they can trample you, They Will, but if you look at them like you have a power over them, You Will.

Perspective is the way you look at something, your point of view, and even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it is something you can't control, it 100% is. Your Perspective is completely in your control !

Perspective is a powerful thing so don't get trampled with a negative outlook on life.

So are you going to continue to think you can't do something because the world told you so? Or are you going to wake up in the morning and say I Can, and I Will, so Watch Me World.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Are You Unhappy? 3 Important Traits Leading To A Happier Life




With the growing population, the population of unhappy people is also increasing.
Nowadays, it's becoming an unusual event, which surprises most people, to come across a person who feels a sense of contentment in his flawed life. The question that springs to mind after an encounter with such a person is HOW CAN THEY BE SO HAPPY?



What most people refer to as "PROBLEMS", Happy People simply refer as "SITUATIONS". Happy People have accepted that life comprises of different situations, without labeling them as 'Good' or 'Bad' .


Happy People know that there is no point in controlling something which, by it's nature is, constantly changing (the worldly situations) .


Happy People are not constantly thinking about being happy as trying too hard to control your reactions and emotions can ultimately become stressful .

Do you think you are happy or not? COMMENT BELOW .